Coffee - Cibra Fertilizantes


Brazilian coffee is recognized for its high quality, which helps
maintain the country's position as the largest exporter of the product.


Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of coffee and the second largest consumer of the drink in the world.

What do you need to know

In order to obtain a satisfactory production of the coffee crop, nutrients must be available in the soil in sufficient quantity and in a balanced way.

Coffee plantations occupy an area of ​​2 million hectares with about 300 thousand producers, predominantly mini and small, in approximately 1,900 municipalities, distributed in the States of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Rondônia, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Amazonas and Pará.

Nitrogen is one of the elements most required by the coffee culture. It is responsible for the most significant effects on increasing productivity in the crop, as it performs several functions in the biochemical processes of the plant, as a constituent of enzymes, coenzymes, nucleic acids and chlorophyll.

The use of Nitrocap, a nitrogen fertilizer with increased efficiency, offers several benefits: less loss by volatilization, increase in productivity, labor savings, since it can eliminate or reduce the number of installments and decrease the environmental impact due to less nitrate leaching, provided that combined with the demand of the culture and the conditions of development.

In order to obtain a satisfactory production of the coffee crop, nutrients must be available in the soil in sufficient quantity and in a balanced way for the good development of the plant and supplying the demand of the load. CibraMix is ​​a fertilizer that offers this balance, presenting the necessary macronutrients and micronutrients incorporated into the phosphorus granules.

Principais Deficiências

Main Deficiencies

Fertilizantes Indicados
Indicated Fertilizers

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Pragas do café

Pragas subterrâneas ou pragas de solo:
são insetos que se alimentam de sementes,
após a semeadura, e das raízes das plantas

  • Broca-do-café
    Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolitidae)
  • Bicho-mineiro
    Perileucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)
  • Ácaro vermelho
    Oligonychus ilicis (Acari: Tetranychidae)
  • Cigarrinhas
    Hemiptera: Cicadellidae
  • Ácaro vermelho
    Oligonychus ilicis
  • Ácaro branco
    Polyphagotarsonemus latus
  • Ácaro da mancha anular ou leprose
    Brevipalpus phoenicis
  • Cigarras
    São várias espécies, sendo Quesada spp., Fidicina spp. e Carineta spp., as que causam mais danos
  • Cochonilhas das raízes
    Dentre as seis espécies existentes, a Dysmicoccus texensis é a que tem causado maior dano econômico
  • Cochonilhas da parte aérea
    Planococcus citri (Risso), Planococcus minor, Pseudococcus longispinus, Saissetia coffeae (Walker)
  • Lagartas dos cafezais
    Eacles imperialis magnifica
  • Lagarta rosca
    Agrotis ípsilon
  • Lagarta de fogo
    Megalopyge lanata
  • Mede palmo
    Oxydia saturniata
  • Bicho charuto
    Oiketicus geyeri
  • Bicho cesto
    Oiketicus kirbyi
  • Taturana bezerra
    Automeris spp
  • Lagarta urticante
    Lonomia circunstans
  • Caramujos e lesmas
  • Mosca-das-raízes
    Chiromyza vittata

Doenças do café

Doenças foliares:

  • Ferrugem do cafeeiro
    Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br.
  • Cercosporiose
    Cercospora coffeicola Berk & Cook
  • Rizoctoniose tardia
    Fungos do gênero Rhizoctonia spp., com predominância da espécie Rhizoctonia solani
  • Manchas de phoma
    Phoma costarricensis
  • Mancha de ascochyta
    Phoma tarda
  • Antracnose
    Colletotrichum spp
  • Roseliniose
    Causada por um fungo do gênero Rosellinia spp., sendo que no cafeeiro, ocorrem R. bunodes (Berk. & Br.) Saac. e R. pepo Pat.
  • Mancha aureolada
    Pseudomonas syringae pv. Garcae
  • Mancha manteigosa
    Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
  • Fusariose
    Fusarium spp
  • Nematoides do cafeeiro
    Dentre os diversos gêneros de nematóides causadores de danos aos cafeeiros, dois são mais estudados: Meloidogyne e Pratylenchus. O gênero Meloidogyne apresenta maior importância para a cafeicultura e contém as espécies formadoras de galhas, entre elas, M. exigua, M. incognita, M. coffeicola, M. paranaensis, além de outras menos disseminadas, M. hapla, M. javanica e M. arenaria.
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